23-26 May 2023 Marseille (France)


Magnetic Reconnection is a fundamental phenomenon in magnetic confinement fusion as well as in space plasmas. The fingerprint of  reconnection is the formation of magnetic-island like structures, and the release and transport of energy on short time scales.

In the case of fusion devices like ITER, magnetic reconnection can degrade the confinement of the plasma and cause the onset of major disruptions, leading to a degradation of the machine. Magnetic islands can develop at all scales (from the ionic Larmor radius to several tens of centimeters) with different consequences for confinement. For instance, large islands can be responsible for strong heat deposition on the first wall of the machine, while micro-islands can affect electronic heat transport. Moreover, at all scales, the presence of multiple islands leading to magnetic chaos can modify the single-island scenario typically considered.

Analogously, in space plasmas, magnetic reconnection is recognized as an important phenomenon at different length scales ranging from planet to stars and beyond.  For instance, magnetic reconnection occurs in solar and stellar flares, and allows solar wind penetration into the planet magnetosphere. On earth, in the presence of strong solar wind emission, geomagnetic storms can occur, affecting satellite communications.

The European Conference on Magnetic Reconnection in Plasmas is therefore the first conference to bring together the entire community working on magnetic reconnection in order to build a new multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approach to the phenomenon. On this occasion, leading experts from both the space and fusion communities will present their latest work. Substantial time is reserved for interdisciplinary discussions in order to exchange knowledge and establish new collaborations. Students working on these topics will be able to present their work in the form of a poster.

This conference aims to promote a gender-balanced approach to science. The high quality of speakers and the composition of the scientific committee reflect this fact.

Conference topics:
Turbulent magnetic reconnection
Large magnetic islands
Interaction of magnetic reconnection and accelerated particles
Magnetic island control
Magnetic chaos
Microtearing turbulence

Conference fees:

The EUR 200 conference fee covers lunches on Wednesday and Thursday and the conference dinner Wednesday evening.

A lower fee of EUR 120 is charged to PhD students.


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